Well over 125 golfers with loads of sponsors and volunteers came out to participate in the 30th annual Pink Flamingo golf tournament held at DeLaveaga golf course on Friday August 2, 2013. It was an big turnout to celebrate the big 3-0 year, with many friends reminiscing about the old days when the tournament had just got off the ground.
The annual occasion was established in 1984 for the friends of Mike Leimbach. In 1983 Leimbach suffered paralyzingly football accident at the age of 15 during the SCCAL football jamboree. Since then, the golf tournament raises money for the Spinal Cord Soceity where Leimbach is the president of the Santa Cruz Chapter.
The event is enjoyable and memorable with golf supporters showing up wearing pink everything; hat, shirts, socks & shoes.
The game is laid back with the opportunity for many to stay connected. a lot of old friends show up year after year the first friday of August for the fun reunion and to raise money to develop a treatment to cure paralysis.
For the first time, organizers supported the first youth golf foursome. The inaugural youth team included: Drew Collishaw, AJ Collishaw, Jake Utic and Ben Edens. The boys had a great time donning their pink and playing shotgun style golf. They are excited to return next year with hopes to attract more youth golfers. Fourteen year old Jake Utic felt they were treated well with food and drink along the course. "I liked that we could donate money for the cause on holes 8 & 10, said Utic. " It was an advantage for my team while giving back, that's cool".
After the golfing, everyone gathered at the De Laveaga clubhouse to talk, laugh and share memories of the day on the green. Prizes were given out to top teams and players.
To end the evening, Leimbach spoke about the work of the SCR. He thanked close friends and family, sponsors and golfers. "Thanks to all of you, we are more hopeful than ever to reach a cure" said Leimbach
The days events was a huge success for its 30 th year. Leimbach along with all Pink Flamingo organizers hope to attract new faces and golfers of all ages in the next 30 years.